Discuss the issues

Every year, the Beehive hosts a panel so that our community can learn about the issues relating to our giving theme. Watch the Facebook live stream here and learn more about the conversation.


In 2019, the Beehive Collective's large grant will go toward funding an area nonprofit working to address Environmental Justice. In order to fully understand the issue, we held a panel event this past June to educate our members and the public about the needs in Raleigh.

The panelists for this event were:
-Louie Rivers, Assistant Professor, Forestry and Environmental Resources, NC State University
-Elijah Brunson, Environmental Program Associate, Rachel Carson Council
-Chandra Taylor, Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center
-Jackie Turner, J. Turner Consulting
-Amin Davis, State & Local Projects Manager, NC Dept. of Environmental Quality

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice is about the fair treatment of all people, regardless of race or class, with respect to environmental laws, regulations and policies. It’s promotion of equity in safe and healthy work and home environments, and equal access to natural resources for all members of our community. It’s about breaking down the discriminatory systems that have allowed environmental injustice to flourish and about understanding how that impacts everyone in a community.